Testosterone is what fuels a man. It is the hormone excreted in your testicles and is responsible for a number of functions in our body. Testosterone levels are affected through a number of factors in your life. They are highest during your puberty and in your 20’s, thereafter they keep falling as men get older and start to take careless of themselves. However optimal testosterone levels are very important. A range of symptoms can occur if testosterone production drastically drops. Signs of low T (also called hypogonadism) are often subtle and can be mistaken for a natural part of aging.
1. Fatigue and low energy
Men with low T have reported extreme fatigue and a noticeable decrease in energy levels. You might be experiencing symptoms of low T if you are tired all of the time, despite getting plenty of sleep, or if you are finding it harder to get motivated to hit the gym or exercise.
2. Mood swings
Women often experience changes in mood during menopause, when their levels of estrogen drop. Men with low T can experience similar symptoms. Testosterone influences many physical processes in the body. It can also influence mood and mental capacity. Research suggests that men with low T are more likely to experience depression, irritability, or a lack of focus.
3. Low semen volume
Testosterone plays a role in the production of semen, which is the milky fluid that aids in the motility of sperm. It’s pretty simple: The more testosterone a man has, the more semen he produces. Men with low T will notice a decrease in the volume of their sperm during ejaculation.
4. Hair Loss
Testosterone plays a role in several body functions, including hair production. Balding is a natural part of aging for many men. However, men with low T may experience a loss of body and facial hair.